Graduate Catalog

NURS 899

Dissertation credits are taken after admission to candidacy for the doctoral degree. The credits taken during a given semester should reflect the expenditure of time (student?s and advisor?s) on dissertation related activity. A No Mark (NM) grade is assigned to NURS 899 credits until after the dissertation defense is completed. This seminar, based upon a student-centered learning approach, provides peer and faculty support to students planning to undertake individual research studies, usually (but not limited to) doctoral dissertations. Students develop course and individual objectives the first day of class. A topical outline for class sessions during the semester is agreed upon during the second class meeting. Course and individual objectives usually include development of individual research designs, instruments, and data analysis plans, literature reviews and a written research prospectus. Didactic presentations include the components of a dissertation proposal; methods for negotiating the system including selecting and working with committees, selecting and securing agency cooperation, and Institutional Review Board approval. The majority of class sessions are devoted to student presentations of their research plans with group feedback to strengthen these plans.


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