Graduate Catalog


This course is designed to support students in developing basic proficiencies in communicating with cross-disciplinary and diverse public audiences and tell compelling stories about science and research. Students will read and critique various styles and genres of science communication and public engagement for diverse public audiences, including plain language summaries of scientific publications, opinion editorials, magazine and newspaper articles, blog entries, excerpts from popular science books, video content, podcasts, social media, and other digital communication. An emphasis will be placed on learning specific strategies of science communication that leads to accessible and engaging science communication, as well as on how to build a case for why scientific research matters to researchers in other fields and to non-career scientists. In addition, students will learn to identify and practice effective communication strategies to engage and communicate with diverse public audiences. The course provides students ample opportunities to practice various strategies, revise their communication products and strategies based on feedback, and to provide feedback to their peers. At the end of the course, students will have created communication products for diverse public audiences that are ready to submit for publication.

