This course is a lecture based comprehensive survey of the field of oral pathology extending through the entire academic year. The bulk of the course consists of a survey of specific pathological entities affecting the oral cavity and surrounding structures. Both local and systemic diseases are covered. Bone lesions and tumors, skin lesions and mucocutaneous dermatosis, metabolic and hematopoietic disorders, and physical and chemical injuries. The main emphasis is on classification, and formation of differential and clinical diagnoses. The evaluation of students will be both objective and subjective. The students will be subject to regular evaluation based on their ability to participate in discussions. Clinical exercises will be used. The quality of the case presentations will be evaluated at the end of the year. Unsatisfactory progress will be given prompt attention. The last segment of the DPAT 613 in the spring consists of comprehensive case presentations by the students. The class sessions will be composed mainly of lectures conducted by members of the Department of Oncology and Diagnostic Sciences. Students are required to attend and participate in the discussion that will be graded.